Electro-Lymphatic Therapy is noninvasive, painless and is very calming and relaxing. It is similar to having a light touch massage but instead the certified lymphatic therapist uses an instrument that has two small hand held wands that are lightly and slowly moved across the body in a specific direction that correlates to the body's lymphatic flow. Since lymphatic organs play an important role in the immune system, the proper flow of the lymphatic fluid can have a positive impact on many conditions. An impaired lymphatic system often results in the following: colds, flu and sinus problems, edema and excess water retention, heart disease, fibrocystic and tender breast, cellulite, enlarged prostate and cancer.
What is the Lymphatic System?
The lymphatic system is your body's natural waste removal system. Toxins are carried through the lymphatic system to be discarded as waste. When your lymphatic system is sluggish, the lymphatic fluid becomes jelled and gets stuck in different areas of the body causing inflammation to begin. Inflammation contributes to disease and sickness, causing a myriad of symptoms and illness.
Inflammation triggers free radicals and lipid per-oxidation products. Overtime, cell antioxidant defenses are depleted. Free radicals damage the DNA, cell membranes and it activates cell signaling mechanisms that promote tumor growth, invasion and metastasis. New evidence suggests that this occurs in the stem cells which become any type of tissue and exist throughout the body. Inflammation converts these stem cells into cancer stem cells. This in turn begins to generate and multiply massive numbers of cancer cell offspring--the cancerous tumor. At the same time, cell processes that protect the cell from becoming malignant are mutated producing an immortal cell.
What are some signs of a sluggish lymphatic system?
There are several symptoms of a sluggish lymphatic system, including but not limited to: puffy eyes, fatigue, excess weight, cellulite, swelling, cancer, arthritic joints, swollen glands, pain, autoimmune disease, fibromyalgia, muscle stiffness, headaches, allergies, GI disturbances, anemia, flu, hypertension, dizziness, nasal/throat congestion, and much more.
Who can benefit from electro-lymphatic therapy?
Since lymphatic organs plays an important role in the immune system, the proper flow of the lymphatic fluid can positively impact many conditions faced by our clients. For many years now we have provided this therapy to those struggling with a multitude of conditions including:
- General Inflammation
- Lymphedema
- Edema and Water Retention
- Cancer
- Heart Disease
- Post Cosmetic Surgery - healing time
- Cosmetic enhancement by fluid deposit reductions
- Lymes
- Pre and Post Athletic Application - decrease muscle/tendon strain and healing time
- Enlarged Prostate
- General detox and cleansing
- Applications to analagous animal conditions